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Paper Review Post

You will update your paper review on your blog.
The title of the blog needs to be the title of the paper.
The blog contents should contain the following things.
  1. Paper Bibliography
    • Title
    • Authors
    • Publication (e.g., In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM '13), Stephen N. Spencer (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 33-42. DOI=10.1145/2487381.2487389
    • URL of the paper (e.g.,
  2. Summary
    • The motivation behind the paper
    • The contribution of the paper
    • The novelty of the implementation
    • The study conducted
    • The summary of the result discussions
  3. My opinion
    • Explain why you think this is relevant to your project.
    • Describe how your work differs from theirs. (i.e. why their work does not solve the problem you are trying to solve)

Grading Rubric
Students who complete their blog entries on time and include the information as outlined above will receive full credit. We will be reading your blogs, so make sure that you include actual and honest, updates. A penalty of one point is assessed to blog entries for every week that they are late. After four weeks, late entries are given a score of zero.
