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Assignment 2: Introductory Blog/Google Drive Access

Due Date: Sunday, September 3 @ 11:59PM

Throughout the semester you will be writing short blogs in order to keep track of assigned readings and your project's development. Maintaining a blog will help you stay organized and to continually analyze your work. Using a digital artifact instead of a paper-based journal affords communication with other students and quicker recall of past assignments/updates. You will set up a blog for the course and write a short introductory entry.

Before you can begin writing your blog posts for the class, you obviously need to have a blog set up. While there are several blogging services available, it's recommended that everyone uses the Blogger service for consistency. If you are new to using Blogger, then follow the steps below to set up your own blog on Blogger.
  1. Go to Blogger and log in with your Google account credentials. You should be able to use your A&M account for this.
  2. On the home page, locate and click on the link labeled "Create New Blog"
  3. Follow and complete the instructions to create your blog specifically for use in this course (Feel free to change the theme/layout as you see fit).
  4. Locate the profile widget on your blog and post your personal details. At the minimum, include your real name so we can identify your blog. 
For this week, write a short introductory entry. Discuss your research interests, and what you hope to gain out of this class. Include a picture of yourself. This is in lieu of the regular blog post.

Google Drive
You should have received access to a Google Drive folder. In that folder create a folder titled by your last name under "Student Folders". Please add you CV/Resume in the created folder. Make sure to add a copy of your CITI training to the folder titled "CITI training" after renaming it in the form LASTNAME2017. Finally, include the name of your blog in the Google Spreadsheet titled "Blog Names".  
