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Add 50 Bibliographies in ShareLatex

Due: Sept 26, Mon @11:59 PM

1. Login at ShareLatex
2. Go to your project.
3. Find 'sample.bib.' You are going to add your bibliographies in this file.

How to find the bibliography format.
1. Google your paper or use google scholar
2. Click cite

3. Click 'BibliTex'
4. Now, you can see the format of the paper. Copy the format.

5. Paste the format into 'sample.bib.'

How to actually cite the paper into the latex document
1. Copy the alias of the paper.

2. Go to 'proceeding.tex' in your project at ShareLatex.
3. Create a section, 'Prior Work' after introduction section.
4. Type '\cite{the alias of the paper}.'
5. Hit Compile or Recompile button on the top left part of the screen.
